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Delhi Inspiring Indian Muslim Women
This publication will shine a spotlight on one hundred Indian Muslim women from Delhi who have who have contributed in nation building in a range of fields - From politicians, academics, lawyers, doctors, creative artists, administrators, police women, entrepreneurs, social workers, authors, journalists, media and other fields.
The hundred women in the spotlight on this publication are only a small sliver of the Muslim women in Delhi. There are many others working in districts, communities, government and non-government organizations and in independent enterprises who are making tremendous inspirational contributions in many ways and in various ways. RBTC Delhi continues to invite your nominations for inspiring Muslim women of the state which can be sent to Ms. Miriam Fozia Rahman, Coordinator RBTC for Delhi at fozia.rahman@gmail.com and Ms. Alishah Ali, Researcher RBTC Delhi at walledcitygirl@gmail.com
MIRIAM FOZIA RAHMAN, Coordinator, Delhi State, Rising Beyond the Ceiling Initiative. Advocate at the Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. Contact at fozia.rahman@gmail.com
Fozia combines the unique background, training and experiences of a legal practitioner, a research academic, and a policy advisor and has worked in the fields of human rights, refugee law & international law, as a Social Justice Lawyer. She also worked as a Senior Legal Editor for LexisNexis Butterworths, India where she carried out legal research and editing of different Law books; journals and magazines. She has trained on team management, personal planning; virtual Intelligence including handling projects regarding building & development of legal research databases.
She has worked as deputy director for Public Interest Legal Support and Research Center which was the legal implementing partner for United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR India. She has also worked as a legal advisor and advocate and appeared in several constitutional, administrative, civil, corporate and family law cases before the Supreme Court, High Court and District Courts. There are several reported judgments of the Supreme Court/High Court wherein she has appeared/argued/assisted.
Fozia has vast and extensive experience of working around issues of social justice, non-governmental organizations, human rights institutions and others. She also routinely serves a formal and informal advisor to various government departments, regulatory institutes, research centers and think-tanks. She has worked to provide credible legal research, strategic interventions and theoretical analyses for public interest litigations and social action campaigns, justice sector reforms with a particular focus on the mediation & conciliation with a particular focus on the judiciary and the courts in India.
Apart from her commitment to the legal practice Ms. Rahman is committed to the cause of women, children and other sections of societies which are underprivileged and disadvantaged. She has undertaken Projects for highest government body constituted to work on the rights of Women in India, organized presentations, seminars and conferences and at National level. She also has been associated with Non-Profits of national/international repute and conducted workshops and skill building sessions on legal aspect of their work. She has done extensive work on women and violence both in and outside of the Court Rooms. She has been working with Companies/organizations on implementation of law relating to prevention of Sexual Harassment at workplace by helping draft their policy, set up the compliance structure, conduct inquiries. She conducts regular workshops for gender sensitization and building awareness in management and employees on the law relating to SHW.
Fozia serves as the external member on the Internal Complaints Committee of reputed companies and organization. Fozia while perusing her passion for social change has organized as well participated as speaker and researcher in various International Seminars and Conferences; dealing with different issues and creating awareness among the general masses building a bridge between eminent Jurists and the common man. She is a regular participant in regional and international academic conferences and seminars and is also a frequent speaker and trainer in her areas of expertise for a variety of local legal and non-legal audiences. She is keen of disseminating the legal knowledge and awareness in the country for the betterment and upliftment of the society and the country with a strong desire to contribute and add value to the justice system in India
ALISHAH ALI, Volunteer Analyst, Delhi Rising Beyond the Ceiling Initiative Delhi Institute of Heritage Research and Management. Delhi. Contact at walledcitygirl@gmail.com
Rising Beyond The Ceiling Delhi: Nominations
Shattering Stereotypes in Uniform [2 nominees- need to add others ]
RBTC Delhi nominee. ASLAM KHAN. Indian Police Service (2007), Union Territory Cadre. Served as Deputy Commissioner of Police, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Ms. Khan served as deputy commissioner of police, Delhi’s north-west district It was the first time in nearly six years that the district was being helmed by a woman officer and Khan came in with the reputation of a strict and upright officer. She had barely settled into the job, when she found herself handling a crime that has been a constant nightmare for the police. On the fifth anniversary of the Nirbhaya gang-rape case, a 16-year-old girl was gang-raped by three men in a park in her district. Early in the probe, one of the 2,000 suspects claimed he was around when his friends raped the girl. But Ms. Khan realized he was only trying to frame his enemies. She refused to arrest him and continued the hunt. Police nabbed the three suspects 20 days later, but it won Ms. Aslam Khan the respect and loyalty of her officers.
Born in a family of farmers in a village in Rajasthan, it was a unique situation that got her the name of ‘Aslam’ — a name usually reserved for men. She says that her parents were expecting a boy and they had decided the name. So, even though a girl was born, they went ahead with the name. Aslam Khan’s parents gave her all opportunities for education, despite being uneducated themselves. Ms. Khan topped the political science stream in her graduation. Be it getting a scooter or more pocket money, she did not lose out to her two younger brothers.
Ms. Khan also set an example when she decided to lend a helping hand to the the family of a deceased truck driver in Jammu, Sardar Maan Singh, who was murdered by a gang of robbers on January 9, 2018, in Jahangirpuri. She was appreciated for going beyond her line of duty to help a family in need. .
RBTC Delhi nominee. NUZHAT HASSAN. Indian Police Service (1991). Union Territory Cadre. ex Deputy Commissioner of Police, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
An IPS officer of the 1991 batch (AGMU cadre), Ms. Hassan has been involved in various academic activities and has also won several national scholarships and awards for merit During the last 10 years, Ms Nuzhat Hassan has held various posts in the police, including those ofS.P. Telecom, Arunachal Pradesh, with additional charge of Motor Transport; DCP-Anti Corruption;and Additional DCP of New Delhi District. Her husband, Taj Hassan, is an IPS officer of the 1987 batch.
Ms Nuzhat Hassan has undergone various training courses and has participated in variousconferences, the most prestigious of which is the Indo-UK Police Conference, Liverpool (UK).Apart from winning various merit awards and national scholarships,
Excellence in Academics [13 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. AYESHA KIDWAI. Delhi. Theoretical Linguist. Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. Infosys Prize for Humanities (2013). Click side arrow for profile details.
Ms. Kidwai's theoretical linguistics work has applied Noam Chomsky's notion of Universal grammar to South Asian languages. In particular, she studied the parameters that explain the syntactic properties of Meiteilon, Santali, Bengali and Malayalam. She proposed a novel theory on free word order, exemplified by scrambled noun-phrases in Hindi-Urdu. Ayesha Kidwai has served as Senior Editor, Oxford Research Encyclopedia. She has been a visiting professor in a number of institutions in the US and Europe.
Ms. Kidwai undertook several research projects in field linguistics. Between 1999 and 2001, she investigated the acquisition of the Hindi language among children, and she studied the Urdu's socio-cultural effects on other Indian languages. She showed that because Sanskrit-speaking ruling classes captured only the public domain, this prestige language was unable to completely cripple less prestigious languages (Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic) that pervaded the subcontinent.
Ayesha set up a committee to help orient and sensitize against sexual harassment on the campus of Jawaharlal Nehru University. It was responsible for crisis management as well as mediation, investigation, and redress in response to complaints of sexual harassment. The template was adopted by other universities across India. In 2013, a survey she co-organised with Madhu Sahni revealed that more than half the women in JNU had suffered sexual harassment. Kidwai also investigated the fates of women abducted during the Partition, reporting in 2014 that nearly 80,000 women had been found in the massive recovery operations in the aftermath of the Partition. Ayesha Kidwai obtained a master's and doctoral degree in linguistics from the Jawaharlal Nehru University.
RBTC Delhi nominee. REHANA KHATOON. Persian Scholar, ex Head of the Department of Persian, Delhi University. Padma Shri Award Recipient (2014). Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Rehana Khatoon is the first woman alumni of the Aligarh Muslim University to be awarded the Padma Shri. She was born on 30 August 1948 in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. Rehana received master’s degree in Persian 1973, M. Phil 1975 and doctorate degree in Persian in the year 1980 from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. She started her academic career as a Research Associate and received UGC Fellowships and awards namely Doctoral Research Fellow, Research Scientist–A and Career Award. She joined Department of Persian, University of Delhi in 1980 and since then has been associated with the department as a faculty member.
Prof. Rehana contributed 32 books and 180 articles and research papers in Persian, English, Urdu and Hindi published in India and abroad. She has also chaired 71 national and international conferences, attended 118 conferences in India and abroad. She has contributed rare original researches to the Persian Literature and guided PhD students from USA and other part of the globe.
Sources/References https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rehana_Khatoon
RBTC Delhi nominee. FARHANA IBRAHIM. Professor of Sociology & Author, Indian Institute of Technology. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Farahana's first book, 'Settlers, Saints, and Sovereigns: An Ethnography of State Formation in Western India' (Routledge 2009) is based on ethnographic research among Muslim pastoral communities in Gujarat along the Kutch - Sindh border. Her second book, From Family to Police Force: Security and Belonging on a South Asian Border (forthcoming, Cornell University Press) is an ethnography of policing, civil-military relations, kinship and surveillance on a south Asian borderland. She has also edited (with Tanuja Kothiyal) South Asian Borderlands: Mobility, History, Affect (Cambridge University Press) and is the book reviews editor of the SAGE journal, 'Contributions to Indian Sociology'.
RBTC Delhi nominee. IMRANA QADEER. Professor, Public Health Expert, Editor, Author. Council for Social Development. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. ZOYA HASAN. Professor, Political Scientist. Former Dean of School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Dr. Hasan has been a Visiting Professor to the Universities of Zurich, Edinburgh, and Maison des Sciences de L'Homme, Paris, and has held fellowships at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Rockefeller Centre, Bellagio, and Centre for Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin. She has worked on research projects for the Indian Council of Social Science Research, Ford Foundation, DFID, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development and the Observer Research Foundation.
Prof. Hasan’s work has focused on the State, political parties, ethnicity gender and minorities in India, and society in north India. Known for her path-breaking work on the politics of Uttar Pradesh, she has also undertaken extensive research on the social and educational aspects of Indian Muslims and Muslim women. Her interest in Indian Government and politics, the State party system, political mobilization minority rights and gender studies is reflected in her various research studies and book.
Amongst the many books she has authored, include: Quest for Power, Oppositional Movements and Post-Congress Politics in Uttar Pradesh (Oxford University Press, 1998). Unequal Citizens: Muslim Women in India (with Ritu Menon) (Oxford University Press, 2004) and Educating Muslim girls: a comparison of five Indian cities (with Ritu Menon) (Women Unlimited, 2005). Congress after Indira: Policy, Power and Political Change (1984-2009), Democracy and the Crisis of Inequality: Collection of Essays, Politics of Inclusion: Castes, Minorities and Affirmative Action, Democracy in Muslim Societies: The Asian Experience, and India’s Living Constitution: Ideas, Practices, Controversies. Along with Mushirul Hasan, she co-edited CSD’s publication, India: Social Development Report – 2012, Minorities at the Margins.
Prof. Hasan holds a PhD from Pennsylvania State University, USA.
RBTC Delhi nominee. AMINA KAZI ANSARI. Professor of English & Foreign Students Adviser. Jamia Millia Islamia Univeristy, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, MEG-3, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University, 1988.‘Canadian Literature: Scanning the Literary Landscape’, New Literatures in English, MEG – 8, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2002.English-Canadian Literary Canon: Emergence and Development, New Delhi: Creative Books, 2003.Translation/Representation, co-edited with Anisur Rahman, New Delhi: Creative Books, 2008.‘Ice-Candy Man’ in Postcolonial Literature, Kota, Rajasthan: Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, 2009.Indian English Women Poets, co-edited with Anisur Rahman, New Delhi: Creative Books, 2009.The Complete Short Stories, Volume I, of Premchand, co-edited with Anisur Rahman, Oxford University Press, 2009 (in press)
RBTC Delhi nominee. AMNA MIRZA. Assistant Professor of Political Science. University of Delhi. Recipient Godfray Philips Golden Ovary Award. Click side arrow for profile details.
Dr. Mirza is currently Assistant Professor of Political Studies, University of Delhi . An avid traveller, voracious reader & vegan, her academic initiatives took her to University of Duisburg Essen (Germany), University of Fribourg (Switzerland) amongst others.
Amna is recipient of ‘Godfray Philips Golden Ovary Award’, St.Stephens College Centenary Medal for ‘character combined with learning’, amongst others. She has been associated with art & culture festivals and regularly contributes columns to several newspapers and magazines. She has four books to her credit which were well received by academic, media and others alike
RBTC Delhi nominee. NISHAT ZAIDI, Scholar, Critic, Translator, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Dr. Zaidi has authored/edited/translated 10 books, guest edited two special issues of prestigious journals, supervised/supervising 13 Ph.Ds and 17 M.Phil dissertations. Besides these she has published a large number of scholarly papers and reviews in national and international journals, and participated and presented papers in national and international seminars/conferences. Research Awards/ Grants.
Dr. Zaidi's recent publications include Day and Dastan, a translation with Alok Bhalla of Intizar Husain’s two novellas; Story is a Vagabond: Fiction, Essays and Drama by Intizar Husain, a collection which she coedited; and Makers of Indian Literature: Agha Shahid Ali.
Nishat has been awarded several grants which include under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India sponsored ‘Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaborations’ (SPARC) to carry out a Project as Principal Investigator on “Debating and Calibrating the Vernacular in Colonial and Postcolonial South Asian Literature and Culture” in collaboration with South Asia Institute, Universität Heidelberg, 2019- 2021.
RBTC Delhi nominee. UZMA AZHAR, Academician. Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi. President Zameen Collective. Click side arrow for profile details.
Uzma holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Jamia Millia Islamia and pursued her graduation and master’s from Delhi University and Jamia Millia Islamia respectively. Dr. Uzma has 5 books published in her name and has contributed towards course material for IGNOU’s updated course for UG and PG program. She has written on contemporary issues of Politics and Culture for various journals and news media.
Dr. Azhar has curated audio-visual modules for Sahapedia as “Exploring Shahjahanabad in Old Delhi’. Uzma has also carried out an original study on Art Maker and the Growth of the Private Galleries in Delhi for IFA. An academic by training and vocation, she also publishes poetry on her blog.
Uzma is also the President of Zameen Collective (a group of creative individuals from different fields) working actively in the fields of contemporary art practices, Performance Art, pedagogy, and culture.
RBTC Delhi nominee. GHAZALA JAMIL, Assistant Professor, Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi Click side arrow for profile details.
Ghazala has a Ph.D. from the University of Delhi in Social Work and has finished her Masters in Social work and BSc in Mathematics from Jamia Millia Islamia.
Ghazala has years of experience in teaching as a guest faculty in SPA Delhi and full-time engagements with various grass-root level groups and development organisations. Her core interests include Urbanisation, Materiality, and Spatiality of Culture and Social Movements.
Dr. Jamil has been honoured with the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust grant and has been the associate Fellow at Council for Social Development.
RBTC Delhi nominee. HINA ZIA. Urban Planner. Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Hina represents the Asian perspective and am part of the Guidelines Development Group on HealthyHousing. The housing and health guidelines would support policy makers with scientificevidence and recommendations for healthy housing conditions. This should fill an important gapin defining healthy housing, to complement the existing labels and indices on green housing.Some of the activities covered so far are shortlisting of criteria to be selected for the guidelines,writing position papers on the shortlisted topics, framing of PECO and PICO questions as per thestandard methodology, review of systematic reviews and contributing specifically to evidence onHeat Stress and Cold Stress, several face-to-face and online meetings. The work is in advancedstages of completion.
Countries of Work Experience: Bhutan, Switzerland, Thailand, Indonesia
RBTC Delhi nominee. KAHKASHAN Y. DANYAL. Professor of Law, Former Statuary Member, Delhi State Legal Services Authority. Jamia Millia Islamia University. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NUZHAT KAZMI. Professor at Department of Art History & Art Appreciation, Jamia Millia Islamia. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SEEMA KAZI. Author and Researcher on Muslim Women in India. Centre for Women's Development Studies. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Impassioned Authors & Poets [ 9 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. ANNIE ZAIDI, Author, Scriptwriter, Filmaker. Winner of Nine Dots Prize. New Delhi/Mumbai. Click side arrow for profile details.
Zaidi began her career as a reporter with stints at leading newspapers and magazines including Mid-Day and Frontline. She has published both fiction and non-fiction: Known Turf: Bantering with Bandits and Other True Tales is a collection of essays shortlisted for the Crossword Book Award in 2010, and Love Stories # 1 to 14 is a collection of short fiction published in 2012. In 2015, she published an anthology called Unbound: 2,000 Years of Indian Women’s Writing. Elle magazine named Zaidi as one of the emerging South Asian writers “whose writing… will enrich South Asian literature”. She currently works as a freelance writer, working on fiction, scripts and columns for magazines and newspapers. Annie Zaidi, has been announced as the winner of the Nine Dots Prize 2019/20.
RBTC Delhi nominee. RAKSHANDA JALIL, Award winning Author, Translator, Critic, Literary Historian. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Dr. Jalil began her career as a lecturer at Khalsa College. She later went on to join the Aligarh Muslim University as a lecturer while being the editorial assistant at Tata McGraw-Hill Book Publishing Company. In the years that followed she had been the sub-editor and assistant editor in the Publications Divisions of the India International Center. Rakshanda has also worked at Jamia Millia Islamia University as a director of the outreach program and co-edited a quarterly journal called Third Frame: Literature, Culture, and Society which was published and distributed by Cambridge University Press. She was also a senior associate fellow at the Council of Social Development, New Delhi, and associate editor of Social Change, the journal brought by the same. Rakshanda has been awarded the Kaifi Azmi Award for her contribution to Urdu and KLF Peace Prize awarded by the Karachi Literature festival along with the German Embassy for her translation of ‘The Sea Lies Ahead’. Rakshanda is the first awardee of the Jawad Memorial Prize for Urdu-English translation of ‘Smoke’, a short story written by Gulzar. She also recently bagged the 5th Vani Foundation Distinguished Translator Award.
Ms. Jalil completed her schooling at Delhi Public School, Mathura Road after which she graduated in English Literature from Miranda House, Delhi University. She has done her Ph.D. in ‘Progressive Writers Movement as reflected in Urdu’.
RBTC Delhi nominee. RANA SAFVI, Author & Columnist. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Rana earned her Masters in medieval history from the Centre for Advanced Studies, Dept. of History, AMU. A firm believer in India’s ‘Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb’, she is passionate about gaining and sharing knowledge via the social media platform. She is also deeply interested in Urdu and Urdu poetry.
Her blog is a repository of her writings on Indian culture, food, heritage and age-old traditions. She is the founder and moderator of the hashtag #Shair on Twitter, a forum that has revived popular interest in Urdu poetry in a major way.
Safvi is a columnist with The Hindu and Daily O and contributor to major newspapers and magazines.
RBTC Delhi nominee. BUSHRA ALVI RAZZACK. Poet & Author. Founder Delhi by Verse Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Bushra has compiled and edited Dilliwali: Celebrating the Woman of Delhi through Poetry (2018), an anthology by 94 poets. Her poems have featured in anthologies and online magazines, and her articles were published in Khaleej Times, Dawn, Rising Kashmir, among others. She just completed translating writer Manzoor Ahtesham’s Hindi novel, Basharat Manzil, into English, is translating Urdu writer Jeelani Bano’s short stories into English, and is working on her novel. Photography and old buildings are other fascinations.
RBTC Delhi nominee. HUMA KHALIL. Writer, Film Maker. Editor Bazm-e-Urdu Magazine. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Huma regularly translates short stories, essays and articles from Urdu into English for several publications in India and abroad. Author of The Allure of Aligarh: A Poetic Journey into the University City, which is slated for release in January 2021, her earlier work, published in 2019, was the bestseller Many Summers Apart: Gems from Contemporary Urdu Literature, the transcreation from Urdu to English, her father Khalil ur Rahman Azmi’s seminal volume on the progressives, Urdu Mein Tarraqui Pasand Adabi Tehreek. It is a remarkable volume that consists of the most lustrous gems from the canon of Urdu poetry and prose that helped shape a nation. A member of the advisory board of Rekhta—the largest online website for Urdu language and literature—she has just released the much-acclaimed short film on the educational journey of Muslim women in India—Aligarian Women in Shahr-e-Tarab.
Presently writing and creating content for audiovisual media on the life of Urdu poets, Huma also runs a school ‘Kilkari’ for the education of under privileged children in New Delhi.
RBTC Delhi nominee. IFFAT ZARIM. Poet. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Iffat's first collection of poetry "Be-Sahil Darya" was published in 2000. "Lucknow ka dabistan-e-sher", "Biswin sadi meinUrdu ghazal", and "Nau classical sho'ara" etc are her research based works
RBTC Delhi nominee. CHASMA FAROOQI. Urdu Poet and Writer. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SABA BASHIR. Poet, Writer, Translator. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Creative Contributors to the Arts [ 9 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. SABA DEWAN. Documentary Film Maker. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Saba was born and brought up in New Delhi. She finished her schooling in 1982 and completed her Bachelors in History from St. Stephen's college, University of Delhi from 1982-1985.[3] She further received a master's degree in Mass Communications from the Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia.
RBTC Delhi nominee. YASMIN KIDWAI. Documentary Film Maker & Social Entrepreneur. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
An acclaimed documentary filmmaker and founder of Springbox Films, she has produced over 50 documentaries highlighting women’s empowerment, reservation, old age issues, and tourism. Leading a far from sheltered life, Yasmin took up challenges on the go, be it her filmmaking, her entrepreneurial journey, or even something as simple as a subject at school that she struggled with.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SABA HASAN. Contemporary Artist. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Saba's works have been exhibited at major venues like the 55th International Venice Biennale, the Met Breuer Museum New York, the National Gallery of Art Colombo, Fortezza Da Basso Florence, the Hohenburg Castle Salzburg, Assab One Milan, the Chelsea Film Festival New York, the Devi Museum of Contemporary Art and the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art.
She is a recipient of fellowships from Syracuse University, New York 1985; the George Keyt Art Foundation, 2002; the French Cultural Ministry, Paris 2006; the Oscar Kokoschka Academy, 2010 and the Raza National Award for painting 2005.
Saba has been a keen art educator conducting independent workshops and community art projects for Ecole D'Arts Visuels Lausanne, the Jamia University, Art 1st and Art Reach.
RBTC Delhi nominee. QAMAR DAGAR. Calligraphy Artist and Promoter. Nari Shakti Award (2017), Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. KANZA FATIMA, Documentary Photographer. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Kanza has also been the recipient of the Foundry Photojournalism Workshop’s Scholarship 2018. Her work on the Shia women of Muharram has been published in Yahoo News, Photojournalism Now, Platform Magazine, and more.
RBTC Delhi nominee. FOUZIA DASTAGO. India's first female Dastagoi story telling artist. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
http://www.fouziadastango.com/Art Matters: Short stories on partition by NDTV:http://www.ndtv.com/video/news/news/art-matters-short-stories-on-partition-465142DastanGoi 2016 by Ghalib Institute:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv4IZbBT2bADastan-e-Gandhi DASTANGOI organized by Sarvodya International Trust and the India InternationalCentre (IIC) celebrate Gandhi Jayanti, 2016:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE65Fa4HKScFouzia Dastango recites in Delhi's Karkhandaari Zubaan:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J56_LKz8QcAFouzia - India's first female Dastango:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVzu1PrbIlgSaadat Hasan Mantos Afsanche (Short Stories): Fouzia Dastango in Urdu Studio with Manish Gupta:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n-H6AO9NLg
RBTC Delhi nominee. RANI KHANUM. Kathak Dancer and Choreographer. Founder Aamad Dance Centre for specially-abled artists. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
She has been honoured for her courageous and pioneering work with awards such as the 5th National Women Excellence Award in 2012; Asian Cultural Council Fellowship on “ World Dance and Islamic Culture”: The Government of India's: Fellowship and the India Foundation's award as outstanding Kathak dancer.
Rani is also the founder of Aamad Dance Centre, a dance institute for specially-abled artists, recognised by the Ministry of Culture has groomed and cultivated some of the finest Kathak dancers in India and abroad. She has promoted Indian classical dance amongst the youth through her lecture demonstrations & workshops throughout India in many educational institutions under the auspices of Spic Macay, I.C.C.R. Sangeet Natak Academy & IIRCC & abroad mainly in U.K, South Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands & USA.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NIDA MAHMOOD. Fashion Designer & Artist. Recognized as Queen of Kitsch. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Ms. Mahmood has been awarded the ‘Most Creative Design collection’ in 2002. Over the years Nida has received many accolades for her outstanding contribution to the industry with her outlandish designs, adding elements of quirkiness to her garments.
Nida who has continued trailblazing concepts through the 7 fashion weeks has participated in, has managed to carve out a name for her as ‘The Queen of Kitsch. She is also a columnist and writes for various newspapers and websites apart from the traveling she does to keep enhancing her ‘bioscope’ of experiences in order to find new inspirations.
Nida graduated from St. Fidelis College, Lucknow, and got her training from the National Institute of Fashion, Delhi.
RBTC Delhi Nominee. SHAHIDA CLAYTON , Fashion Designer & Founder of Shahida Perdes. Arizona. USA. Home Town: Delhi, India. Click side arrow for profile details. [For Global List]
Shahida was born in Old Delhi, a walled city within the city of Delhi, India. Old Delhi is a vibrant, crowded and busy place to live. My family’s home is smack in the center of the city, where people to buy textiles and fabrics. Literally street after street is lined with every textile imaginable. It’s a fashion designer’s dream brought to life.
When I was a little girl, I was fascinated by a local TV news anchor named Salma Sultan. I wanted to grow up to be just like her. She was incredibly chic and elegant, and I was captivated by her unique sense of style. I grew up in a conservative Muslim neighborhood within Old Delhi in India. Women worn hijabs in public, so that their heads were always covered in public for modesty. Salma’s signature look was big rose worn behind her ear, very similar to that of Billie Holiday. That so exotic and beautiful to me. I longed for the freedom to express myself through my style choices, like Salma did. She, in addition to my auntie’s influence, inspired me to pursue a career in fashion designer.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SEHER HASHMI. Fashion Stylist & Self-taught Painter. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Seher is a fashion stylist and a self-taught artist. Painting has helped her overcome depression. Her solo painting exhibition ‘Colouring The Wounds Away’ reflects simple, soothing play of colours.
Making an impact through Media [ 16 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. ARFA KHANUM SHERVANI, Journalist. Chameli Devi Jain Award for outstanding woman in Media. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Arfa has won many accolades for her work with Awards such as the Red Ink awards, Sahitya Samman Award, and the Chameli Devi Jain Award for Outstanding Women media person.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SABA NAQVI. Author & Journalist. Adjunct faculty, O.P. Jindal Global University, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
The former political editor of Outlook magazine, Saba writes columns in leading national dailies and websites. She is also an election analyst on television and a known political commentator.
Saba has been a Reuters fellow at Oxford University, a Jefferson Fellow at the East West Centre at Hawaii, has been selected for the Asia Leadership Fellow Award given by the Japan Foundation at Tokyo and the US State Department’s fellowship for leading professionals from across the world.
RBTC Delhi nominee. BUSHRA KHANUM. TV Journalist, Anchor, Reporter Producer @Network 18. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SEEMA MUSTAFA. TV Journalist, Anchor, Reporter Producer @Network 18. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Mustafa began her career in journalism with The Pioneer (a Lucknow-based newspaper), moved to The Patriot in 1979, and worked for several other Indian publications, including The Telegraph and Indian Express before joining the Asian Age in 1997 as its political editor and Delhi bureau chief.
After leaving the Asian Age in 2008, Mustafa worked as Resident Editor of Covert, a fortnightly left-wing political magazine. In 2010 Mustafa moved to NewsX, hosting a weekly interview programme named Straight Talk With Seema Mustafa on that channel. She served as National Affairs Editor of News X. She next took over the job of Director of a new, left-wing think-tank based in New Delhi named the "Centre for Policy Analysis", a position she presently holds. Concurrently, in January 2014, she founded The Citizen, an independent "Digital Daily" based out of New Delhi.
Mustafa is BA in Political Science from Lucknow University in Uttar Pradesh.
RBTC Delhi nominee. MARYA SHAKIL. Journalist. Ramnath Goeka Excellence in Journalism Award. Home Town Bihar [RBTC Bihar]. Click side arrow for profile details.
Marya has won the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards as Best Political Journalist (Broadcast) in 2012 for her show on 2012 UP elections and then again in 2014[ for her 2014 general elections coverage, including a documentary on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SEEMA CHISTI. Multimedia Journalist. ex-BBC, Indian Express and Author, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SAYEMA REHMAN. Radio Jockey, Radio Mirchi & You Tuber. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. FARAH KHAN. Senior Associate Producer and News Anchor @News18India, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Senior Associate Producer and News Anchor @News18IndiaAccomplish reporter and anchor with more than six years of journalism experience. A passionate journalist with a background in investigative reporting. Highly expert in news anchoring, interviewing, field reporting, production, fact-checking. Received awards for outstanding performances in the fieldwork.
RBTC Delhi nominee. HUMRA QURAISHI. Columnist and Writer. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. MARIYA SALIM. Journalist, Women's Rights, Al Jazeera News. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. FATIMA MAHDI-KARAN. Business Broadcast Journalist. ex-Consulting Editor and Anchor Bloomberg TV India. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Fatima holds a graduation degree in Economics and International Relations from Boston University, USA, and has done her Masters in Diplomacy, Law, and Business. She had begun her career as a Banker in London and has worked for companies such as Barclays and UBP up until 2005.
When not at work, she pursues her interest in reading, sampling rude food, and contemporary Indian art. She is also a compulsive cleaner.
RBTC Delhi nominee. MAHA SIDDIQUI. Editor, Foreign Affairs & Anchor, CNN News 18 Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SHEEBA ASLAM FEHMI. Journalist & Feminist Writer. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Sheeba Aslam Fehmi is a feminist writer and journalist in India, and one of the Indian Muslim women scholars who write on Islam among other issues.
Sheeba Fehmi did her Master of Philosophy from the Centre for Political Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her thesis was on "Human Rights And Multiculturalism: A Study of Legal Cases Involving Muslim Women". Sheeba Fehmi is studying to be a Doctor of Philosophy at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NAGMA SAHAR. Senior Editor & Anchor NDTV. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Naghma was a UGC JRF scholar, having specialised in rural development. She is an MPhil (focus on gender and nutrition) from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Earlier she obtained the degree of MA Geography from the Delhi School of Economics.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NAZ ASGHAR. Founder Editor, India News Stream at India News Stream. Delhi. Add profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SAIMI SATTAR. Independent Communication Consultant. Delhi. Add profile details.
A PG Diploma in Journalism in Mass Communication from Indian Institute of Mass Communication and two decades of experience across media houses including Mail Today, The Pioneer, The Telegraph and Hindustan Times.
Taking Entrepreneurship Forward [ 8 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN. Founder, Chairperson of The Shahnaz Husain Group. Padma Shri Award Recipient (2006). Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Shahnaz Husain was invited by Harvard Business School to speak on her success story of establishing an international brand without commercial advertising and has also become a Harvard Case Study which is included in its curriculum. She has also lectured to students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Oxford and London School of Economics. Shahnaz has also represented India at President Barack Obama’s World Summit for Entrepreneurs. In 1996, she won Success Magazine's "World's Greatest Woman Entrepreneur" award. She has walked the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival and spoken at the House of Lords and House of Commons in the prestigious British Parliament.
RBTC Delhi nominee. LAILA TYABJI. Social Entrepreneur, Crafts Activist. Co-Founder Dastkar, Padmashri Award Recipient (2012). Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Tyabji studied art at the Faculty of Fine Arts, MS University, Vadodara. Later, she went to Japan to study with Toshi Yoshida, the well-known Japanese printmaking artist, before returning to India to start a career as a freelance designer. Assignments included graphic and interior design, costumes and sets for the theatre, garments and textiles.
The difficulties of getting small rural artisans to benefit from and become a sustainable part of the mainstream retail chain gave Tyabji the idea of starting an organisation that would act as a bridge between craftspeople and urban buyers. This resulted in Tyabji co-founding Dastkar with five other women in 1981. The object was to give traditional craftspeople the design, product development, market information, and entrepreneurship training that would help them regain their place in the mainstream market. The Dastkari Bazaars, where craftspeople came directly to sell their own products in the Metro market, were both a sales opportunity and a learning place for craftspeople who had never previously encountered their urban customers. It was a novel idea at that time – much imitated since.
Over the last four decades, Dastkar and Tyabji have worked with numerous crafts organisations and NGOs to use craft skills as a means of earning and empowerment. She is credited with revolutionizing the craft industry in India by developing a market for Indian crafts, modernizing the artisans' skills, and acting as the liaising link between the artisans and the buyers.
In 2003, Tyabji was awarded the Aid to Artisans' Preservation of Craft Award, the first Asian and the second overall recipient of the award, the investiture ceremony taking place in New York. Later in 2012, the Government of India honored her with Padma Shri, the fourth–highest Indian civilian award. She is also a recipient of the NIFTLifetime Achievement Award and the Chishti Harmony Award. References/Sources
RBTC Delhi nominee. NAGMA ABBASI, Founder and CEO of NextGen Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Awarded India's 500 CEO award and has been selected among India’s Inspirational leaders 2020. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NAZIRA MAHMOOD, Principal & Founder, Gods Grace School. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Dr. Mahmood holds three honours degrees in English, Political Science, and Persian with a Master’s degree in English Literature. She did her doctoral studies from Aligarh Muslim University on the topic: ‘Female characters in Jane Austen’s Story’.
Nazira has years of experience in teaching in schools and colleges across Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and overseas in Saudi Arabia. She was also the former Editor of the ‘Kahkashan’ magazine and Joint Editor of ‘The Aligarh Magazine’. She has anchored programs on Doordarshan and Etv and addressed National and International educational conferences across India, Europe, the USA, Gulf, and Pakistan. She has been honoured with ‘The Best Principal’s Award last year.
RBTC Delhi nominee. FATIMA KHANUM. Trustee and Owner of Naari Weo at Fatima Khanam Films, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Trustee and Owner of Naari Weo at Fatima Khanam Films - New Delhi, Delhi, India
RBTC Delhi nominee. NASREEN KHAN. Executive Coach, Facilitator, NLP Coach. Delhi. Add profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SAMINA KARIMI. Founder Zaika Dilli You Tube Channel. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Samina Karimi, a mother of three and wife to scrap dealer Mohammad Khalid Karimi who struggles to make ends meet, is the face behind the very popular YouTube channel Zaika Dilli 6. Apart from tending to her daily household chores, 42-year-old Samina has created 400 cooking videos for her YouTube channel, wherein using her traditional wisdom and heavy Old Delhi dialect, she step by step explains the process of cooking Mughlai delicacies. A year old journey on YouTube has garnered her a following of nearly three lakh and has etched out a new source of income for her family. In an attempt to juggle her religious beliefs, orthodox taboos and her humane aspirations, Samina has refrained from showing her face in the videos—it is only her voice and hands that the viewers identify her with.
RBTC Delhi nominee. PERNIA QURESHI. Founder Pernia's Pop Up Shop. Stylist Harpers Bazaar, Elle. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SABINA REHMAN. Founder Abnoos Creations. Delhi. Add profile details and photo.
Professionals in Law and Medicine [ 12 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. RANA PARVEEN SIDDIQUI. Advocate. First Woman Chairperson pf the Bar Council of Delhi in 2021. Delhi.
Bar Council of Delhi announced the election results and unanimously elected Ms. Rana Parween Siddiqui as the First lady Chair Person of Bar Council of Delhi on 26.05.2012.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NOOR FATIMA. Partner Roshni Noor & Associates Law Firm. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Her achievements include:
1. Appointed as a member of sexual harassment committee by District Judge Varanasi constituted in compliance of the order passed by the hon’ble Supreme Court of India in writ petition(Crl 113 of 2018) tittles “afshan pracha” versus Union of India .2. Awarded as the best lawyer by hon’ble Justice Shri Ashok Bhushan ji of Supreme Court.3. Honoured as the exceptional lawyer by hon’ble Justice Shri Om Prakash ji (2017).4. Awarded as the best women lawyer in Nari Jagran Adornment, Varanasi (2015).5. Awarded as best lawyer in Empowering the Nation (2010).
RBTC Delhi nominee. MIRIAM FOZIA RAHMAN, Advocate at the Supreme Court of India, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Fozia combines the unique background, training and experiences of a legal practitioner, a research academic, and a policy advisor and has worked in the fields of human rights, refugee law & international law, as a Social Justice Lawyer. She also worked as a Senior Legal Editor for LexisNexis Butterworths, India where she carried out legal research and editing of different Law books; journals and magazines. She has trained on team management, personal planning; virtual Intelligence including handling projects regarding building & development of legal research databases.
She has worked as deputy director for Public Interest Legal Support and Research Center which was the legal implementing partner for United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR India. She has also worked as a legal advisor and advocate and appeared in several constitutional, administrative, civil, corporate and family law cases before the Supreme Court, High Court and District Courts. There are several reported judgments of the Supreme Court/High Court wherein she has appeared/argued/assisted.
Fozia has vast and extensive experience of working around issues of social justice, non-governmental organizations, human rights institutions and others. She also routinely serves a formal and informal advisor to various government departments, regulatory institutes, research centers and think-tanks. She has worked to provide credible legal research, strategic interventions and theoretical analyses for public interest litigations and social action campaigns, justice sector reforms with a particular focus on the mediation & conciliation with a particular focus on the judiciary and the courts in India.
Apart from her commitment to the legal practice Ms. Rahman is committed to the cause of women, children and other sections of societies which are underprivileged and disadvantaged. She has undertaken Projects for highest government body constituted to work on the rights of Women in India, organized presentations, seminars and conferences and at National level. She also has been associated with Non-Profits of national/international repute and conducted workshops and skill building sessions on legal aspect of their work. She has done extensive work on women and violence both in and outside of the Court Rooms. She has been working with Companies/organizations on implementation of law relating to prevention of Sexual Harassment at workplace by helping draft their policy, set up the compliance structure, conduct inquiries. She conducts regular workshops for gender sensitization and building awareness in management and employees on the law relating to SHW.
Fozia serves as the external member on the Internal Complaints Committee of reputed companies and organization. Fozia while perusing her passion for social change has organized as well participated as speaker and researcher in various International Seminars and Conferences; dealing with different issues and creating awareness among the general masses building a bridge between eminent Jurists and the common man. She is a regular participant in regional and international academic conferences and seminars and is also a frequent speaker and trainer in her areas of expertise for a variety of local legal and non-legal audiences. She is keen of disseminating the legal knowledge and awareness in the country for the betterment and upliftment of the society and the country with a strong desire to contribute and add value to the justice system in India
RBTC Delhi nominee. SHRAMSHAVISH REIN. Advocate, Arbitrator, Commercial Mediator, Conciliator, Amicus Curiae in Supreme Court of India, Ex-Joint Treasurer Supreme Court Bar Association of India & Partner at Aeltemesh Rein & Co. Law. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. ROSHNI MURAD. Lawyer at Supreme Court. Partner at Roshni Noor & Associates Law Firm. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. MUSHARRAF RAO. Lawyer. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. AQSA SHIEKH, Medical Doctor, Author. Founder Human Solidarity Foundation. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Born and brought up in Mumbai, Aqsa completed her education at Seth GS medical college. She has worked at HLFPPT, a government-approved NGO. She writes extensively on the challenges faced by the Transgender Community in India and is determined over raising awareness on Mental health issues amongst vulnerable groups like students, LGBTQIA+ community.
She was awarded for the best article on Mental Health and is a recipient of the Himalayan Green Awards for her services in the Health education sector. Aqsa is also a poet who writes in English, Hindi, and Urdu.
RBTC Delhi nominee. RESHMA YASMIN. Clinical Psychologist. Mental Health Advocate. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. FARAH HUSSAIN. Medical Doctor, Specialist in Anesthesia, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital. COVID Vaccine Advocate. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Among the finest Anesthesiologists in the city, Dr. Farah Hussain (Lok Nayak Hospital) in Darya Ganj, Delhi is known for offering excellent patient care. The clinic is located centrally in Darya Ganj, a prominent locality in the city.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SAHAR QUREISHI. Medical Superintendent at Max Super Speciality and Research Centre. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. GHAZALA JAVED, Scientist, Central Council for Research on Unani Medicine. Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Ghazala has done her graduation and post-graduation in Unani medicine and has been awarded Gold Medals and Certificate of Merit for her excellence. She is a proud Alumni of Jamia Hamdard and holds an excellent academic record. She has also done a PG certificate course in Hospital Management from the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare and is a diploma holder in Intellectual Property Rights. She has availed WHO fellowship in Managing Public Health Programs and has also done her long-term training in Bioethics.
She has been featured as ‘The Face of Unani’ in the book ‘India’s Most Powerful Women’ by Ms. Prem Ahluwalia. She was also a special invitee to interact with President Obama and Michelle Obama. Ghazala has also been awarded the ‘Make in India Award’ for her brilliant contribution in the field of Unani Medicine.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NILOFER IZHAR. Senior Research Fellow (Principle Investigator, Medical Pluralism) at Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) New Delhi). add profile details.
Leadership in Governance & Administration [ 5 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. RASHIDA HUSSAIN. Indian Revenue Service (1978). ex-Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary in the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NAZLI JAFRI SHAYIN. Indian Audit and Accounts Service (1999) Joint Secretary. Ministry of Defence. New Delhi
Nazli Jafri Shayin, an IA&AS officer, has been posted as joint secretary in Defence ministry. Ms. Nazli Jafri Shayin Ms. Nazli Jafri Shayin mam is 1999 batch IA&AS officer presently posted as PD, GASAB-II, CAG office New Delhi. She has done B.A. and M.B.A. from Aligarh Muslim University. She has long career in the department spanning over 15 years. Madam is having a rich and vast experience of working in the fields of Accounts and Entitlement, State Audit, Administration, etc. Under foreign assignment, Madam, had also served at Audit of UNJSPF AT NEW YORK, External Audit of WFP Compliance Audit
RBTC Delhi nominee. NAJMA AKHTAR. Academic Administrator. First woman Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia University. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Before her appointment as Vice Chancellor, Akhtar worked for fifteen years at the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, leading training courses for senior officials from 130 countries. Earlier, she established the first state-level educational management institute in Uttar Pradesh at Allahabad and was the Controller of Examination and Director of Academic Programs at Aligarh Muslim University. She has been a consultant to UNESCO, UNICEF and DANIDA.
Akhtar earned her Master’s degree in Botany from Aligarh Muslim University, where she was a gold medalist. She has a PhD in Education from Kurukshetra University. She received a Commonwealth Fellowship to study University administration at the University of Warwick in the UK and also trained at the Institute for European Environmental Policy in Paris.
RBTC Delhi nominee. ZOYA ALI RIZVI. Deputy Commissioner at National Health Mission, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. HALEEMA SADIA. Principal, Deputy Director of Education, Delhi Waqf Board. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details
Haleema is a Ph.D. holder in Philosophy from Hamdard University, Delhi, and has a double doctorate and a double master’s in Islamic studies and Management Studies and English and Arabic literature respectively. Sadia is also the chairperson for SAET (Shawkat Ara Educational Trust) and is the founder of Jahan-e-Mann, a youtube channel that beliefs in motivating people to help them realize their potentials and let them be the best version of themselves.
She is the recipient of many awards in the field of education and a member of many educational, social, and welfare organizations including “ Age care India, IICC, TERA, WGC, Nexus of Good, AIEM among others.
Change Makers in Social Development [ 11 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. SHABNAM HASHMI. Social Activist & Human Rights Campaigner. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
She has campaigned against communalism and violation of human rights in the name of fighting terrorism. She was involved in exposing what she alleges are terror links of Hindutva forces but also fought for the rights of Batla house encounter suspect who later allegedly joined ISIS. Shabnam Hashmi was amongst ninety-one women from India who figured in the list of 1,000 women who have been nominated globally for the Nobel Peace Prize-2005.
Hashmi has focused on issues of women's political participation, adoption,[6] gender justice, democracy and secularism. She was awarded the Association for Communal Harmony in Asia (ACHA) Star Award for Communal Harmony in 2005, Aamil Smriti Samman in 2005 and the National Minority Rights Award 2008 by the National Minority Commission.
RBTC Delhi nominee. BILKIS BANO. Protest Leader. Voice of the Marginalized. BBC 100 Influential Women ( 2020). Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Bilkis, along with thousands of women who joined her, braved the chilling cold of January from 8 in the morning to midnight to protests the CAA, became the symbol of resistance. "I will sit here till blood stops flowing in my veins so the children of this country and the world breathe the air of justice and equality," she said.
82-year-old Bilkis has been introduced on the BBC list as a “Protest Leader,” as “part of a group of women who peacefully protested against a controversial citizenship law,” describing her as the “the face of a long-running protest at the capital’s Shaheen Bagh, the Muslim locality where the protests were held.” Bilkis, though grateful, had responded to her TIME recognition saying, “I would have been much happier had our demand been fulfilled, had the government listened to us and given us what we wanted.”
The fact that women spearheaded the protests in Shaheen Bagh has countered many stereotypes around the Muslim women. The active participation of Muslim women in the anti-CAA protests was the defining feature of this movement. It shattered many stereotypes about Muslim women. It put paid to the pervasive belief that the average Indian Muslim woman is an uneducated and burqa-clad figure who has no voice and is suffering under patriarchal oppression.
References/Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoIo7hAMAEshttps://www.news18.com/news/buzz/shaheen-bagh-dadi-among-times-100-most-influential-people-heres-why-shes-known-as-symbol-of-resistance-2901375.htmlhttps://www.shethepeople.tv/news/shaheen-baghs-bilkis-dadi-on-bbcs-100-women-of-2020-list/
RBTC Delhi nominee. SYEDA SYEDAIN HAMEED. Social & Women’s Rights Activist. Former Member Planning Commission and National Commission for Women. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Presently, she sits on the Boards of Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, Janvikas, and Sahr Waru-Women's Action and Resource Unit, Population Foundation of India, Swami Shradhanand Memorial Institute, Centre for Women's Development Studies, Action Aid (India) and Global Trustee of South Asia Foundation (SAF). She chairs the National Foundation of India, Khwaja Ahmed Abbas Memorial Trust, Faiz Centre (India) and also co-chairs Hali Panipati Trust.
She received her schooling at Modern School, New Delhi, and her college education was at Miranda House, University of Delhi from where she passed BA (Hons) in 1963. She secured a master's degree (MA) from the University of Hawaii in 1965 and a doctoral degree (PhD) from the University of Alberta in 1972.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SYEDA BILGRAMI IMAM. Social Activist & Author. ex-Member National Commission for Minorities (2010-2013) Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Ms. Imam became a member of the National Commission for Minorities, India in 2010 before her term expired in January 2013. During her tenure she was the only woman member of the NCM. Imam is also a well-known writer. Her book named The Untold Charminar—published by Penguin Books in 2008—deals with the culture of Hyderabad. Historian William Dalrymple, Indian filmmakers Shyam Benegal and Nagesh Kukunoor were other contributors. Imam has also authored other books such as The Positive Side (published by Roli Books, ISBN 978-1-4567-4186-0), The Making of Advertising: Gleanings from Subhas Ghosal (published by Macmillans, ISBN 978-0-333-93916-1) and Editing of Epiphany II and III.
As of 2012, Imam resides in New Delhi.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SHAHNAZ KHAN. Researcher, Educator & Advocate Citizens Against Hate, Tedx Speaker. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
She has also worked with victims of identity based violence the past year towards documenting cases from across India. As part of a collective ‘Citizens Against Hate’ while working with Misaal, Centre for Equity Studies, she met many families who had lost a loved one to hate crimes, taking their stories forward for advocacy, as well as helping the families with relief, rehabilitation and legal representation.
She is currently working with the Shiv Nadar Schools in Noida as an educator. After looking at the effect of entrenched identities and their violent repercussions she hopes to use education towards peace. Bringing the ground realities to the classroom and working towards better curriculum and pedagogy when teaching conflicts to students, so their sense of self and other identity, both real and perceived, reflect real world complexities and non-binaries.
Shahnaz has a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Peace Building from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
RBTC Delhi nominee. FARAH ZAHIR. Senior Economist, The World Bank. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. HUMA MASOOD. Program Officer, Gender & Education. UNESCO, Delhi. Delhi. Add profile details.
PhD International Relations, Education and Gender. JNU, Delhi.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NABILA JAMSHED. Public Policy Specialist, United Nations, India. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
With a master’s degree in Global Governance and Diplomacy from the University of Oxford, Nabila joined the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons during the organisation’s work on chemical disarmament in Syria, for which it was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
She was then posted to an assignment with UN Peacekeeping, to Juba, South Sudan, consistently ranked one of the most dangerous conflicts in the world, where she worked with the Joint Mission Analysis Centre during the conflict of 2016, on security and crisis reporting and analysis.
She has also worked for the United Nations Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organisation, and with the Asian Development Bank on regional cooperation in South Asia. While with the UN, she co-authored the UN Environment Programme and UNU’s Inclusive Wealth Report for 2014.
She has delivered seven TEDx and Hague Talks and delivered lectures on multilateralism in Geneva (including at the Weapons Governance Forum with), The Hague, and at premier institutions including the University of Oxford, University of Leiden, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur and Delhi University.
Nabila is also the author of the fantasy novel Wish Upon A Time - The Legendary Scimitar.
RBTC Delhi nominee. NAZIA IRUM, Media and Advocacy Consultant at Amnesty International India, Author, TedX Speaker. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Ms. Erum holds an honours degree in Journalism and has done her Master’s from Jamia Millia Islamia in Media Governance. Nazia, with three books to her name, creates an environment for effective policy, programme, and legislation with her storytelling style. She writes on gender, inter-faith, and politics voicing the under-represented and under-reported. She has led the communications at Global Fund and also led projects for development organizations including the UNDP.
Nazia is an Australia India Youth Dialogue alum for 2020 and is an advisor at LED by Her Fellowship. She has been listed under the 2018 Stand Out Voices: Telegraph, the 2018 Women Change Makers: Mid-Day, Best Global Media Engagement Awards 2020 by Amnesty International, Women’s Day Award by IUCNR for her work as an author, and the Orange Flower Award for the Best Blogger. She was also listed under Best of Non-fiction 2018; Spectacular Debuts 2018 by Times of India and Best of Women authors 2018 by She the People. Nazia has remained as a panelist at India-UK women Leadership Summit, British Council and has been a TEDx speaker at TEDx Gurgaon on Confronting our Conditioning.
RBTC Delhi nominee. MARIAM SIDDIQUI. Public Health Specialist. RTI International, India Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. AMINA SHERWANI. Actor, Producer, Environmental Activist. New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
33 years of work experience in the communications industry including theatre, news, copy, serials, scripts, films and websites.I am a founder member of Saakshi Kala Manch which has produced and presented more than a 100 theatre productions since 1985 in Hindi,Urdu,Punjabi,English and Sanskrit. In 1987,I co-produced,wrote and directed Fauji one of the most successful television serials.I am an activist for women's rights and have produced reports on female foeticide , physical abuse of women, the marriage market, prostitution & environmental issues such as water management, conservation and many others including hardcore political stories for the first video news magazine in Hindustani, Kalchakra
In 1993 I set up Nishan Communications which has produced more than 400 Corporate Films, Presentations, Exhibitions, Websites for leading names in the public and private sector such as the Defence Reasearch And Development Organisation (DRDO), The Krishak Bharati Cooperative (KRIBHCO), Airports Authority of India, JJ Valaya, Fertiliser association of India, Govt. of Haryana, Hero Honda, The Jaypee Group, BHEL, Indian Airlines and many more…
Currently I head the environment and infrastructure committee of the Manesar Industries Welfare Association (MIWA ).I have made many trips to the backward Mewat region of Haryana since 1993 and spoken in many public meetings to spread the message of the importance of education, especially among women and minority communities.
Specialties: I helped the rural communities in 10 villages around the industrial area of Manesar to get together and form the Fertile Land Protection Movement to save their land from acquisition. We filed a Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court of India and have obtained a stay order .We then launched Project Vanya : where a 100,000 trees are being planted on 250 acres of the 6000 acres of land that were saved from acquisition to create a green lung and conserve and harvest rain water.
Strides in Private/Corporate Sector [3 nominees]
RBTC Delhi nominee. NIDA HASAN. Country Head at Change.Org. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. AAFREEN AYUB. Editor, Taylor and Frances Private Limited. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. QUDSIYA AHMED. Head of Publishing-Academic at Cambridge University Press. Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. SADIA SYED. International Baccalaureate Mathematics Faculty at the American Embassy School - New Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details.
Inspirations from Politics [3 nominees ]
RBTC Delhi nominee. SHAMA MOHAMED. Politician. National Spokesperson Indian National Congress. Delhi. Home State: Kerala. Click side arrow for profile details.
On 31st December 2018, she was appointed media panelist by Rahul Gandhi. She is also a motivational speaker, having spoken at several events and programmes across the country, where she encourages listeners to take an active interest in politics and contribute to nation building. She was invited to attend the 8th Annual Invitational Program on International Relations & Strategic Affairs held at the Princeton University and as Chief Guest for ‘Smashing Stereotypes’, an event held by ‘Mind Your Fitness’ to celebrate the essence of womanhood.
https://www.facebook.com/shamamohd17/ https://in.linkedin.com/in/shama-mohamed-11087161 https://medium.com/women-in-kerala-media/womeninmedia-90e32476ecab
RBTC Delhi nominee. SHAZIA ILMI. Politician. Spokesperson BJP. Click side arrow for profile details.
RBTC Delhi nominee. ZAHIDA KHAN. Politician. Member of Legislative Assembly. Hometown: Mewat, Haryana. ( No separate RBTC list for Haryana, Consider adding in Delhi) Click side arrow for profile details.
Born on March 6, 1963, Zahida is a law graduate from Delhi University and is married to an engineering graduate, Jalish Khan. She is also an active social worker in the Mewat region of Rajasthan, the area before she entered politics.
Zahida has also been elected as Chairman of Panchayat Samiti Kaman in the year 2000-2005. Her father Tayyab, former minister and MP, who was Chaudhary of Mewat and is the only politician in country to hold distinction of being minister from three different states i.e. Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan and no other politician has been able to match the record till date. He was also instrumental in getting OBC status for Meo community in Haryana. His elder son and Zahida’s elder brother Ch. Zakir Hussain, advocate apart from head of all the 36 communities of Mewat is a three time MLA from Nuh assembly constituency of Haryana and which is known as the capital of Mewat. Mewat region spreads from Haryana, Rajasthan, UP and MP to several other states.
Shining in Sports [1 nominee only]
RBTC Delhi nominee. ROSHNI MISBAH. Bike Rider. Youngest Member of Bikerni, All woman biker Group, Delhi. Click side arrow for profile details. [ Can shift to RBTC youth inspirations]
Roshini says she is one of the youngest members of Bikerni, an all-woman biker group in Delhi that aims at gender empowerment through female motorcyclists. (Image: Instagram)